Film Features

Exclusively for film related features and op-ed pieces.

James Cameron Terminator“What is it about this new Terminator movie that requires a huge, $200 million-plus mega-budget? Scale the thing back to a third of the price, and not only do you increase the film’s odds of turning a profit, thereby ensuring another installment, but you’re also potentially grounding the storytelling into something more accessible,” writes Neil Turitz.

adrien brody“The state of being a man, of being old enough and mature enough is so severed that brilliant performances are often neglected. This lack of diversity throughout the years means the Best Actor category is stacked with older men who have, paid their dues to get even the head nod of being nominated,” writes Sabrina Cognata.

president collageWhile most of the men who’ve held the highest office in the land don’t have their own film, almost all of them had interesting lives. So to celebrate this Presidents’ Day, Sabrina Cognata takes a look at which presidents are sorely lacking their own film and who should play them.