The Black List was compiled from the suggestions of over 250 film executives, each of whom contributed the names of up to ten favorite scripts that were written in, or are somehow uniquely associated with, 2019 and will not have begun principal photography during this calendar year.

In the near future where air-supply is scarce, a mother and daughter fight for survival when two strangers arrive desperate for an oxygenized safe haven.

Screen Shot 2015-04-30 at 3.08.38 PM Romeo and Juliet set in a dystopian future where there are only 1 billion left on the planet and half are breathing oxygen and the other half nitrogen.

Logline: When a suicidal teen moves to small town to start over, he discovers he shares an uncanny resemblance to a much beloved local teen who killed himself not too long ago and begins to inherit his friends, girlfriends and enemies.