Between September 1st and September 30th, we tracked 24 new feature specs hitting the market. However, of all this material only 4 have some type of attachment which we have tracked. Let’s not detract from the fact this is a 41.1% increase in material from last month. This marks the highest number of specs in a single month, beating out June which saw 23 new specs hit.

Cougar Town adds a journalist, Private Practice adds a pair, Castle adds a Hero, while CBS adds one each to Criminal Minds and Big Bang Theory, NBC brings a Dollhouse star to Community, and Starz eyes a potential series replacement for season 2 of Spartacus.

FOX picks up a father/son dating comedy, HBO gets documental with the Tropic Thunder gang, NBC gets into drug trouble, girl trouble and aging trouble, while USA hands out pilot commitments to a trio of new shows, and Community gets a few more episodes thanks to that spectacular Halloween episode!