Ed Helms

Screen Shot 2015-04-30 at 3.08.38 PMFollowing the disappearance of the book fair money he was entrusted to protect, a lactose intolerant middle school student with an addiction to dairy items must hone his detective skills to investigate the “seedy” underbelly of his school. It’s a fun spin on classic detective tales like Maltese Falcon, but with the built in franchise potential of a series akin to Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

Screen Shot 2015-04-30 at 2.48.33 PMWhile struggling with a terminal illness, a family man is given the chance to save his life by two drifters who offer him a kidney in exchange for a house, but after he agrees, they change the terms of their agreement.

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The story takes a both historically factual and thrilling look at what really happened when Ted Kennedy drove off the road into a Martha’s Vineyard bay with Mary Jo Kopechne in the car.