Harry Styles

Between September 1st and September 30th, we tracked 24 new feature specs hitting the market. However, of all this material only 4 have some type of attachment which we have tracked. Let’s not detract from the fact this is a 41.1% increase in material from last month. This marks the highest number of specs in a single month, beating out June which saw 23 new specs hit.

Between August 1st and August 31st, we tracked 17 new feature specs hot out of Final Draft. 3 of them have some type of attachment, while 1 is reported to have sold that was previously out in 2021 (more on that spec later). That brings our total count of specs with attachments up to 4. This marks a 23% decrease in specs from July, and a 26% drop off from June. How the year has been shaping up, August has turned over some fairly better numbers than anticipated.

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The film tells the story of the Dunkirk evacuation, which took place at the beginning of World War II. Christopher Nolan will write and direct while Kenneth Branagh, Mark Rylance, and Tom Hardy will star.