Jake McDorman

Screen Shot 2015-04-30 at 2.48.33 PMAfter losing her boyfriend, job, and waking up naked in the middle of a bachelor party due to her constant hunger for physical intimacy, Joy realizes she has a problem: sex and love addiction. She seeks help and meets Maddie, who becomes her sponsor and gets Joy to agree to try to go 30 days without her ex, boys, sex, or romance.

As usual, Limitless delivers on the easy-to-enjoy procedural front, but this was an episode that could have been so much more. “Undercover!” melded a spy movie with a “here’s how it all went down” structure, and it needed to just stuck with one or the other.

CBS’s Limitless gave a strong second episode to follow up its very good pilot. In a short montage, the pilot episode was condensed into about forty seconds of explanatory voice-over. So if you’re coming to late to the game, Limitless will help you get up to speed.